I may have a disability
Greetings from Trinayani.
The roots of the NGO Trinayani are embedded in the grounds of creating equality and spreading awareness about disability issues. We aim to alter perspectives with our premise being that persons with and without disabilities have much more of similarities than differences.
Carrying forward the decade long essence of what we do at Trinayni; help combat discrimination against people with disabilities, we have chosen to create our blog where we want to invite our friends with disabilities to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences on this public platform.
The purpose of our blog is to raise awareness by changing the stereotypical mindsets of people, breaking free from preconceived notions and stigmas that are attached with the word ‘disability’, through direct contacts with persons with disabilities.
We will promote a ‘one liner’ stating :
I may have a Disability, but I am __________.
All out invitee friends must complete the sentence with a single impactful word or a phrase that they believe describes best their plight or philosophy of life. To truly change conceptions of people and leave a lasting impact, we encourage words that are usually associated with the limitations of disabilities.
As for examples:
I may have a disability, but I am
“Capable”/ ‘independent”/ “an asset to my
family”/ “sportsperson”
And then to substantiate one’s motto, we invite true, positive write-ups comprising of a maximum of 300 words that will help inspire others and change their mindset about disability.
Alongside this, a short 20 second video**is also more than welcome, where our invitees can speak out their motto (I may have a disability but I am ….) and/or a short message. If for some reason one is unable to send a video clip, please send us a photograph that will be uploaded along with your blog
To enhance the radius of this endeavor further, we would so appreciate if each of you could designate one special person in your life (apart from your parents) to write a few words about you.
This person may be your spouse, a soul mate, a close relative, a mentor or just a well-wisher, who you believe to know you intimately. We invite short write-ups (in simple conversational language) from such persons, reaching out to the society with their experiences of personally knowing someone with a disability and sharing their appreciation of your challenges, passions or perseverance.
Here are some videos by our disabled friends..
** Kindly use an HD camera (any smartphone is sufficient) and shoot at a well lit and quiet area, against some uncluttered backdrop. We look forward to receiving your contribution towards the cause of furthering Disability Awareness.
We look forward to receiving your contribution towards the cause of furthering Disability Awareness.
My Best
Ritika Sahni